XIONG Xiaoyu / Sherry 熊晓宇

“ …at the heart of this critical language, between several discourses, those of sociology, of semiology, and of psychoanalysis—but that, by ultimate dissatisfaction with all of them, I was bearing witness to the only sure thing that was in me (however naive it might be): a desperate resistance to any reductive system. For each time, having resorted to any such language to whatever degree, each time I felt it hardening and thereby tending to reduction and reprimand, I would gently leave it and seek elsewhere: I began to speak differently.”
                                                                                                     --   Roland Barthes (1980), Camera Lucida

        selected artworks 部分作品
An Emotional Poem 情绪诗, 2024
DNA mirror DNA镜子, 2024

Where_is_语言_مرضی_nehmen 나?, (文字将去向哪里?), 2024

1 Question ⋅20 People ⋅ 20 Glasgow ⋅ 20 World,
一个问题,20个人,20个格拉斯哥,20个世界,  2024

A Translation Experiment 一个翻译实验,2023
My  Hamburg, 我眼中的汉堡,2023.
Glasgow in my Eyes,  我眼中的格拉,2023
Identity you, 定义你,2023
Who  is Hui’an Woman?,谁是惠安女?,2022
Listen  to Her,看它说,2021

    projects 综合项目
    My word, My world, 我的文字宇宙,2023-now
    Art&Heritage Exhibition,艺术与遗产展览,2021-2023
    Soapbox Science & Art,2018

      writings 观点写作
    The Malevolence of Words , 书写之恶,2023
    The Rebellion of Words,文字的反叛,2024
    Colonial Arrogance: In the Name of Cultural Appropriation,

    The Imagination of Words: Living Words, 文字的想象力:活着的文字,2023


    : xiongxiaoyu66@163.com


    Art & Heritage Exhibition 艺术与遗产展览项目

    Time 时间:2021——2023
    Funded by支持机构: Shanghai Ruan Yisan Heritage Foundation & The Chongwu Government & The British Council_CtC  
                                            上海阮仪三城市遗产保护基金会 & 福建崇武镇政府 & 英国文化教育协会_中英文化连线
    Main Artists 主要艺术家: Sherry 熊晓宇,Alan Rutherford (Scotland)
    Curator 策展人:Sherry 熊晓宇, Alan
    Visual design 项目视觉设计:Sherry 熊晓宇
    Project website:https://www.artheritageexhibition.cn/


    地点:福建 崇武   时间:2021年4月
    Phase 1 of the project

    Location: Chongwu, Fujian
    Time: April 2021 
    In the first phase, a week after I arrived in Chongwu, I collaborated with the local Nanyin community in the ancient city of Chongwu to create an interactive sound-painting. The jumping dots change with the sound of the playing and the sound of the environment. This is an experiment in dialogue with the locals.




    地点:线上   时间:2021-2022
    Project Phase II

    Location: Online Time: 2021-2022In the second phase of the project, with the changes in epidemic policies, the project is mainly online communication. During this period, I created the "See Her Say" series of works. So far, the work has received more than 2,000 online clicks. And at the online sharing session, I created "Blue Tears", which was viewed more than 3,000 times in real time.

    创作一:看她说  Artwork One: Listen to Her

    1. Nanyin 南音

    Click the link to watch the work: https://openprocessing.org/sketch/1191318  

    2. Whistle 呐喊

    Click the link to watch the work: https://openprocessing.org/sketch/1206111

    3. chanting 念佛

    Click the link to watch the work:  https://openprocessing.org/sketch/1217004

    创作二:蓝眼泪 Artwork Two: Blue  Firefly


    线上分享截图 online sharing recording



    地点:格拉斯哥  时间:2023
    Phase 3 of the project

    Location: Glasgow
    Time: 2023In the third phase of the project, I created a short film and television work "Who is the Hui'an Woman?" as a conclusion.

    创作:谁是惠安女? (请点击左侧目录观看作品具体介绍。)
    Artwork: Who is Hui’an Woman? (See details in the Section of “selected artworks” on the left side.)

    Dual film.

    capture of the film

    capture of the film



    展览:Phantom Pattern Exhibition
    策展人: 熊晓宇,Alan

    展览册下载 :Download PDF
    Phase 4 of the project

    Exhibition: Phantom Pattern Exhibition

    Booklet download :Download PDF
